Future-Ready for the Big Wide World
Senior Seminar Syllabus
Program Goals:
The overall goals of the Senior Seminar Program are to help you, the senior, prepare to enter the workforce with a job ready portfolio and the skills necessary to secure and retain employment.
In Senior Seminar this year…

You will create a Professional Portfolio of your work at CMTHS, which will include a career objective statement, resume, letters of reference, photographs and evidence of your work, as well as awards and certificates. Think of this like your “Senior Project at the Tech School” - but something that you will take with you and actually use in your future.
This is a class where the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.
You will receive instruction in employment readiness skills such as filling out applications, job related forms and how to prepare for, and go on a job interview.
You will participate in workshops identifying job readiness skills and basic employment concepts related to getting and keeping a job. You will also create a budget and learn about monetary issues involved with taxes and employment.
My personal classroom philosophy is: Act the way you would like to be treated.
I will give you my respect the minute you walk in the door and I expect the same from you.
You are encouraged to monitor your own behavior and be a productive part of the group.
You are part of a community where everyone’s presence and opinions are valued as we work together toward our common goals.
This class is run less like an actual high school class and more like an employee meeting on a job. As students, there are things you can written up for in high school that an employer would fire you for; texting while they are talking to you or sleeping on the job.
This classroom is a pretty cool place with the couches, comfortable chairs, and computers; therefore there is a Limited Food and Drink Policy. Because it is inconsiderate to eat in front of other people, you may not snack in class; however, if you have not had a chance to have lunch or breakfast, you may sit at the conference table and finish your meal. You are responsible for cleaning the table when you are finished. You may bring beverages in sealed containers - no cans or open lids that could spill and damage things.

As mentioned, sleeping will not be tolerated. If you find yourself getting sleepy from sitting on the comfortable couches, monitor your own behavior and move to sit in an upright chair so you will not be tempted to sleep. You will only get one warning from me to stay awake; you will be written up if you do not comply and you will lose your privilege to sit on the couches.
You are expected to follow all school rules regarding technology use as outlined in the CMTHS Student Handbook. Tampering with another student’s work on computers will not be tolerated. I don’t believe that forbidding the use of your phone altogether is teaching you anything about using it responsibly, so you may use your phone before class begins while we are waiting for everyone to arrive, or if you have finished all of your work, but unless we are using it as part of a lesson, your phone (and headphones) must be put away during the time I am teaching.
There will be times when you will be allowed to listen to your music via headphones while you are working.

Hall Passes:
You are seniors and I personally don’t feel you need my permission to meet a biological need such as using the bathroom or getting a drink, however due to school regulations, I must know where you are at all times. Ideally, you should use the bathroom on your way to and from Senior Seminar as most of you walk right by them, however, if you need to go to the bathroom, just get up quietly and go. There is a laminated pass on a lanyard as well as a sign out book where you will write your name and time you are leaving. When you return, re-hang the pass and write the time you returned.
If you need to go anywhere outside of C-wing (Nurse, Office, Guidance, etc) you will need me to write you a pass.
Additionally, if you need to see me for any reason outside of Senior Seminar class, you must get a pass from your instructor.
Finally, if you are going to be late to Senior Seminar, you must get a pass from your instructor.

Supplies and Materials:
You will receive a binder that will serve a dual purpose as both a notebook for Senior Seminar class and eventually as your professional portfolio, so do not doodle or draw on the binder itself.
Binders are to stay in the Senior Seminar classroom throughout the year. Please be respectful of others’ binders and their privacy.

Homework and Grades:
Some work, such as taking photographs, gathering work from your shop, bringing in awards and certificates, and obtaining references, will be required of you outside of class. There may be an occasional homework assignment, but it is not given on a regular basis.
You will receive task scores for activities, class participation, in-class assignments, quizzes, and completed documents. This class isn’t about the grade as much as it is about preparing you for the “Big Wide World”.
I am a certified Reading Specialist and High School English teacher, so I can assist you with writing and proofreading your projects. Just ask for an appointment.
If you enjoy public speaking, there are lots of opportunities this year as a student announcer, speech competitor, or giving the senior speech at Senior Recognition Night.

Senior Information Survey:
Each senior will complete the Senior Information Survey to give Ms. Slattery a little more information about you.
Click here for a list of Adjectives.
Here is a PDF of the Senior Seminar Syllabus.