Future-Ready for the Big Wide World
Technical Skills and Workplace Skills
Technical Skills
These types of skills are also known as "Hard Skills" and that is not because they are difficult. These skills may also be called job-related skills. They are specific teachable skills that you have learned in order to do a job.
Examples of Technical Skills from CMTHS Programs include:
Taking blood pressure & vital signs
Writing lesson plans
Knife cuts
Baking pastries
Tire rotation and alignment
Fingerprint processing
Sand blasting
Joining PVC
Operating a skidloader
Configuring a LAN switch
Logo design
90 degree haircut
Examples of Technical Skills that you may have learned from part-time jobs are:
Cash Register - handling money, using POS (Point of Sale) system
Child care or babysitting - supervising children
Clerical work - filing or paperwork
Computer or technology skills - MS Word, Excel
Crew (team) member
Custodial work - cleaning
Customer Service - helping customers
First aid/use of AED machine
Food preparation - basic fast food
Food server
Hosting/greeting customers
Inventory - counting products
Light cleaning - sweeping, wiping down
Managing people - team leader
Receptionist duties - answer phones, take messages, schedule appointments
Sales - upsales, product promotions
Training new employees

Workplace Skills
These are skills (also known as "soft skills") that are part of your personality and are the many qualities and traits that make up the term work ethic. You will want to list these skills not only on your resume, but in cover letters and also when you go on job interviews to help you answer which skills are your strongest, (but NEVER your weakest). You should be able to give an example for each skill that you possess.
Some example of Soft Skills are:
An eye for attention to detail
Competent math skills
Etiquette and Manners
Honesty and integrity
Organizational Skills
Physical strength and Stamina
Positive Attitude
Problem Solving Skills
Self-direction and/or self-motivation
Strong communication skills
Time management skills
Willingness to learn
Willingness to work hard
Are you able to…?
Accept & learn from criticism
Follow employer rules (dress code, ethics)
Follow instructions
Get along with others
Learn quickly
Motivate others
Speak another language
Speak in front of a group
Speak with proper grammar
Work as part of a team
Work well under pressure
Write clearly & legibly