Future-Ready for the Big Wide World
Employment Search
It has been said that finding a job is the most difficult job you will ever have. Don't let this deter you from your search! If you have a plan of action it will make your search much easier. What follows on this page are several strategies that will help you to expand your search beyond just looking for "Help Wanted" signs.
You can find a position faster by using several of the following strategies. The more you put yourself out there, the better your chances are for finding employment.
Most jobs are filed through personal referrals, direct contact with employers or employment agencies. The key is to make as many contact as possible by meeting and talking to people who can help you learn about job openings and opportunities.

Employment Search Checklist

A employment search checklist is a smart way to stay organized and make sure you're doing all you can to find a position. It is a plan of action that will aide you in keeping track of what you have done, and still need to do.
One of the best ways to improve your chances at finding that perfect position is to network. Networking is defined as:
Creating a group of acquaintances and associates and keeping it active through regular communication for mutual benefit.

That definition basically means creating a "network" of people you know. In the same way that Facebook is considered a 'social network' you will start creating your 'professional network'. Your network isn't just limited to people in your trades or profession. It may include friends, instructors, employers, customers, and even people from your social network.
Networking can help by connecting you to the right people to help you advance in your career. It means talking to people you know and letting them know you are looking for a position and telling them about your work experience. Whether it is your neighbor or someone you know within your trade, these people can be extremely valuable in finding a position. You never know where that next opportunity will come from.
Who are some people in your network?
One electronic network you can join is Linkedin. You can click on
the logo to the right and create a Linkedin account that will allow
you to participate in an online network of people in your industry.
Another way to network is to participate in clubs and organizations in your field. SkillsUSA and HOSA are two Career and Technical Student Organizations at CMTHS that you can be a part of while you are here.
Additionally there are many trade organizations you can join that will help you further your career. This Wikipedia page is a great place to start. You can also ask your instructor for suggestions of trade organizations in our area.
Tips and Precautions for Posting Your Resume Online
Beware of formatting requirements
Online Employment Sites

Online Employment sites are devoted to helping you to find employment. On most sites, you create an account, post your resume, and search for positions. Many of these sites also offer "alerts" that notify you when a position has been posted that you would be interested in.
Click the logos below to visit the sites.
Using Social Media to Find Jobs
Social networking sites are tools that when used properly, can help you in your job search. Thousands of people use these sites when searching for jobs. While they can be helpful, there are several ways that improper and careless use can affect your personal and professional life. Many employers will search online for you before offering you a job. Google yourself, (put your name in quotes ex: "SpongeBob SquarePants") to see how easily information about you can be found.
DON'T post anything on your social media that you wouldn't be comfortable with showing up on the front page of your local newspaper.
DON'T use your social media as a way of venting about what's going on in your workplace. Do not complain about your boss, co-workers, or customers online.
DON'T admit to doing anything illegal, even if you are joking it is very difficult to undo such an admission.
DO Keep your private information private like your phone number or address
DO Remove comments made by other users that can get you in trouble.

Look in the Classifieds section of your local newspaper. Sometimes this is called the "Help Wanted" section. Some employers will still advertise in printed newspapers, but most post their positions online now.
Craigslist has online Classifieds where you can search by position and location.
Career Exploration and Research
Still not sure what you would like to do? Check out this site of Top Career Exploration Resources which is a great place to find information about careers, salaries, education necessary and other helpful information when deciding which career to choose.
Another great resource for career exploration is O-NET.